Myrte van der Molen (1994) conducts research into social behavior and identity. She sees the usefulness of social rules, but in her view they also create lack of freedom and an inauthentic way of communicating. By staging social situations in her work, she creates visions of the future that question rules of behavior in the social sphere. Her work shows that every language, whether in word or body language, has its own function, but also refers to underlying layers that are not always visible on the surface. The body language, text and utensils that are used in her work depend on the known associations. By making new combinations, dissecting language and changing rules of conduct, works that question the social sphere are being formed. As a result, her work – which started with performance and video work – continues to expand in new disciplines.
Contact • DM instagram
Studio: Coolhaven 558, Rotterdam • Office: KINO, Gouvernestraat 129-133, Rotterdam

Upcoming / Current Screenings and Exhibitions
[COMING UP] november 15th - november 30st 2024, Common Effort, group exhibition, San Miguel de Allende, México 📍 Biblioteca Pública 📍 trapo, galería 📍 Nuweland 📍 YAM Gallery 📍 Taller 30 📍 Centro Cultural El Nigromante
Tentoonstellingen en Screeningen
2023 Seoul Metro International subway Film Festival, Seoul (KR)
2023 Traveling Exhibition, South Explorer, Rotterdam (NL)
2023 60sec Festival Copenhagen (DK)
2023 Galerie Helder, Mise en Scene, Den Haag (NL)
2022 BIG ART, Bajeskwartier, Amsterdam (NL)
2022 Opening Coolhaven Collective, Open Atelier, Rotterdam (NL)
2022 Parksessies, SOSocial, Haarlem (NL)
2021 Raum, Raum der Lusten, Utrecht (NL)
2021 Publieke Werken, Exhibition trough the city, Rotterdam (NL)
2021 Prospects, Art Rotterdam, Rotterdam (NL)
2021 LoosenArt Collection Gallery, Rome (IT)
2021 The 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival , Dordrecht (NL)
2021 Tent Online Cinema, Rotterdam (NL)
2020 Survival Now + Next, Anchorage Museum, Alaska (AK)
2020 Power Station of Art in Shanghai (CN)
2020 Re-Value, Pullman Hotel, Eindhoven (NL)
2020 Publieke Werken, Rotterdam (NL)
2019 Roffa Film Club, Worm, Rotterdam (NL)
2019 Common Inn, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (NL)
2019 IFFR, Roodkapje, Rotterdam (NL)
2018 Off-Crimmp_Cinema, Rotterdam (NL)
2017 Wentelteefjes, Arnhem (NL)
2017 Boekids Festival, Den Haag (NL)
2017 Chassé Theater, Breda (NL)
2016 The Voyers, Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven (NL)
2016 Fem Tour Truck (EU & SA)
2016 Visions in the Nunnery Gallery, Londen (UK)
2016 Deep trash from outer space, Londen, (UK)
2016 North Portland Film Festival,Portland (USA)
2016 Galactic Color Filmfest, New York (USA)
2016 Cavo Fest, Trini, (IT)
2016 The New Bohemian Gallery, Brainerd (USA)
2016 Culture Night, Breda (NL)
2015 Film class 2015, AKV|St. Joost, Breda (NL)
2015 Lantaarn Venster, Rotterdam (NL)
2014 Delicate imperfections, Bergen (NO)
2013 DON'T LOOK, Breda (NL)
2012 Short Film Competition NFF, Utrecht (NL)
2011 Kunstbende, Nijmegen (NL)
Mondriaan Fonds Stipendium Emerging Artists
Nederlands Filmfonds
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Gemeente Rotterdam
Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
Fonds Podiumkunsten
Stichting Stokroos
Press and Publications
2021 Spreadmag_ issue 4, Publication, showcase work
2021 Zanna Magazine, Publication, showcase work
2021 Expo publication, Prospects - the Mondriaan Fund Shows talent
2020 Re-Value, Book Publication, showcase work
2020 Publieke Werken, Book Publication, showcase work
2020 Anchorage Museum, Online Publication, showcase work
2016 Articulaction Art Review, Curators Josh Ryder and Barbara Scott
2016 Averageart Magazine, publication, showcase work
2020-2021 Meester-Gezelregeling Mondriaan Fonds, Barbara Visser, Amsterdam (NL)
2020 Driving Dutch Design, BNO, DDF, ABN-AMRO, Eindhoven (NL)
2019 Route Ondernemerschap, Cultuur + Ondernemen, Rotterdam (NL)
2011-2015 Bachelor of Art, AKV|St. Joost, Breda (NL)
2017 pre-master Philosophy, Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
2021-2022 Playground for Professionals, Konings Theater Academie, Den Bosch (NL)